
December 3, 2001

Ambassador Robert B. Zoellick

Dear Ambassador Zoellick:

The undersigned organizations strongly support the Doha Declaration and wish to thank you for your determined and successful efforts in securing a "good deal" for US industries and consumers.

The Declaration opens a process that holds out the potential for enormous benefits to our agricultural, industrial, and service sectors, in addition to US industrial and retail consumers. It will almost certainly lower tariff and non-tariff barriers and encourage more transparent legal and regulatory regimes.

We, like you, recognize that these gains would not have been possible had the United States refused to recognize the near-unanimous consensus supporting negotiations on dumping and countervailing duty issues. The language of the Declaration makes it clear that what will be on the table will not be the existence or legitimate effectiveness of US trade laws, but vital questions of the underlying causes of dumping and subsidies, and whether dumping and countervailing duty laws are being abused. This is fully consistent with the language of the November 7 House of Representatives resolution, adopted 410-4, which called for negotiations that would ensure that US exports are not subject to the abusive use of trade laws by other countries.

We share your view that to achieve the goals of the Declaration, the vital next step is passage of Trade Promotion Authority (TPA). Just as your work at Doha demonstrates the Administration's commitment to trade negotiations that reflect all American economic interests, we again express our commitment to work with the Administration to pass a balanced TPA bill quickly.

Thank you for your determination to improve the lives of the American people and those worldwide through fair and open trade.


A.J. Antunes & Company
Alliance of American Consumers for Affordable Homes
American Gear Manufacturers Association
American Institute for International Steel
Association of International Automobile Manufacturers, Inc.
Autocam Corporation
CAB Flange Manufacturing Incorporated
CAB, Incorporated
Citizens Against Government Waste
Consumers for World Trade
Consuming Industries Trade Action Coalition
Domestic Petroleum Council
Industrial Fasteners Institute
International Association of Drilling Contractors
International Electronics Manufacturers and Consumers of America
International Mass Retail Association
Maritime Exchange for the Delaware River and Bay
National Foreign Trade Council
National Retail Federation
North American Association of Food Equipment Manufacturers
Precision Machined Products Association
Precision Metalforming Association
SSAB Hardox Corporation
SSAB Swedish Steel Inc.
Tooling and Manufacturing Association
Toyota Motor North America, Inc.






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