
June 27, 2000
CITAC Seminar, Washington D.C.
Speaker Biographies

PETER S. WATSON is Counsel to Winthrop, Stimson, Putnam & Roberts in the firms Washington office. He also serves as Senior Advisor to Armitage Associates, L.C. Mr. Watson previously served as Chairman of the U.S. International Trade Commission. In addition to his five years on the Commission, Mr. Watson served at the White House as Director of Asian Affairs at the National Security Council, and as Special Advisor to the President of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation.

Mr. Watson is a Visiting Professor in International Economic Relations, St. Peters College, Oxford University, in their annual International Trade Program, and is a Distinguished Lecturer at Georgetown Universitys School of Business. He serves as an Advisory Board Member for Georgetown Universitys Journal of Law and Policy in International Business, and U.C.LAs Pacific Basin Law Journal. Mr. Watson is former Chairman of the State Bar of Californias International Practice Committee, and is a former Chairman of the International Law Section of the Los Angeles County Bar Association. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Mr. Watson received his LL.B. from Auckland University, and holds an LL.M. and D.C.L. in International Economic Relations from McGill University. He has also completed post-graduate studies in International Business Administration. Mr. Watson has published several articles on international business and trade law, and is the principal author of Completing The World Trading System: Proposals for a Millennium Round (1999), and is co-author of National Conformity Assessment Schemes: Non-Tariff Trade Barriers in Information Technology (1999), and the forthcoming Free Trade: Risks and Rewards (2000).





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