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The CITAC STF's activities have for the first time given steel consumers a strong voice in the steel trade policy debate.
Below are some of our recent successes:

  • CITAC STF helped secure a Section 332 request by the Ways and Means Committee to the International Trade Commission (ITC) to examine the effects of the steel tariffs on steel consuming industries and ports. The 332 request ensures that the impact of the steel tariffs on steel consumers will be examined by the ITC. The report will be presented on the same day and in the same document as the ITC's Mid-Point Review report, ensuring that President Bush will have all relevant information in deciding whether to continue the tariffs.
  • At the urging of CITAC STF and the Motor and Equipment Manufacturers Association (MEMA), the House Ways and Means Trade Subcommittee held a hearing on March 26, 2003 on the impact of the steel tariffs on steel consuming industries. CITAC STF members testified at the hearing. The hearing included an appearance by Ways and Means Committee Chairman Bill Thomas (R-CA).
  • CITAC STF was also instrumental in organizing hearings of the House Committee on Small Business in July and September 2002 where CITAC STF and other steel consumers testified on the damage caused by the steel tariffs.
  • As a result of efforts by CITAC STF and MEMA, Concurrent Resolutions were introduced in the House and Senate requesting an analysis of the impact of the steel trade measures on U.S. steel consuming industries (H. Con. Res. 23, S. Con. Res. 27), with more than 70 cosponsors in the House and eight in the Senate as of April 15.
  • CITAC STF has undertaken a major media relations campaign that resulted in several articles every day detailing the difficulties faced by businesses nationwide as a result of the tariffs. Editorials in The Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, New York Times, and other major national, state and local publications have highlighted the plight of steel consumers and criticized the imposition of the steel tariffs.
  • CITAC STF sponsored an economic analysis of the impact of steel price increases on American steel consuming industries that received widespread publicity. The study found that approximately 200,000 jobs were sacrificed in steel consuming industries since the end of 2001 that would have existed without the tariff-induced steel price increases of 2002.
  • CITAC STF members successfully lobbied the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) to adopt a policy urging the Bush Administration to examine the impact of the steel tariffs on steel producers and steel consumers.
  • CITAC STF sponsored several executive "fly-ins" for business leaders to come to Washington and meet with key Congressional and Executive Branch officials to discuss the need to reform the steel Safeguard measures. Hundreds of face-to-face meetings have been organized to dramatize the impact of steel tariffs on steel consuming companies.




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