"Bush Officials Signal Byrd Implementation Despite Opposition Inside US Trade"
February 16, 2001
Inside US Trade reports that the Bush Administration has indicated to Congress and US trading partners that it will implement the controversial Continued Dumping and Subsidy Offset Act, the so-called Byrd Amendment. The provision would give antidumping and countervailing duties to companies petitioning for protection.
CITAC, a group representing consuming industries that oppose the Byrd Amendment and has encouraged its repeal, submitted comments to USTR on the law. CITACs letter says the law sets a policy of giving away government funds in a way that distorts the operation of our nations antidumping and countervailing duty laws, encouraging petitions and discouraging trade.
CITAC believes the WTO will find the law conflicts with U.S. obligations under the WTO agreement. It also believes implementation of the Byrd Amendment would threaten the competitiveness of consuming industries that rely on imports for raw materials and components.
"Governor Promises $110 Million to Aid Ohio Steel Industry"
The Associated Press
February 5, 2001
Associated Press Business Writer M.R. Kropko reports that Governor Bob Taft of Ohio has introduced plans to aid the state's steel industry with a $110-million aid package.
The aid package comes in the wake of recent bankruptcy filings by three Ohio steel makers.
Jon Jensen, chairman of The Consuming Industries Trade Action Coalition says his organization opposes restrictions on imports. According to Jenson, some grades and quality of steel are not available in the US. "Our concern is that if protective action is taken, then work will leave this country to other places where competitive steel is available." Jensen said.