Have I Got a Deal for YOU!

  • They claim YOU can save the jobs of thousands of steelworkers their families and communities.
  • They claim YOU can restore the steel industry to profitability with steel import quotas.
  • They claim H.R. 808 will offset the cost of retiree health care, and by voting for it, YOU can make your statement for steel!

You bought it and now YOU are the proud co-sponsors of HR 808!

Now YOU can try to explain to 9,430,000 workers/voters employed in steel-consuming industries, their families and their communities:

  • Why 175,600 steelworkers are more important than they are;
  • How those steelworker votes count for more in YOUR district/state than steel-consumer votes;
  • How large, unprofitable, high-cost integrated steel mills are more important to YOU than small family enterprises that use steel and are the engine of growth for the U.S. economy.
  • Why American consumers of steel-containing products (cars, washing machines, automobiles and auto parts, etc.) should pay a tax of up to $14.5 billion over 5 years as a result of your decision.

HR 808 looks like a big lemon to us.

Don't be fooled. Get all the facts.


  • Give consumers a voice in the steel policy-formulation process;
  • Allow imports of steel products unavailable from U.S. suppliers;
  • Do not layer steel quotas on top of other types of import restrictions;
  • Do not rush the process with an early imposition of steel quotas.

Get all the facts: Call CITAC

The Consuming Industries Trade Action Coalition
