GIVE US THE "FULL MONTY" Remember that bill - HR 808 - which was loaded with goodies for the steel industry? Well, it's back in the form of a discharge petition (HRes 304), only this time it looks a little different&.
AND GOOD RIDDANCE!!! BUT THEY STOPPED STRIPPING TOO SOON! What's left is the tax on all steel sold, imported or domestic, to subsidize companies that have retiree health care obligations. This provision would bail out the integrated steel mills from promises they now can't keep. Successful steel minimills strenuously oppose such a bailout. Steel consumers should not be stuck with the bill for PLEASE DON'T SIGN THIS DISCHARGE PETITION (HRes 304), OR REMOVE YOUR NAME IF YOU ALREADY HAVE SIGNED. It is not fair, it is not even uniformly supported within the steel industry, and this new tax would have a devastating impact on consuming industries. Ironically, this tax on steel purchases would cause a net LOSS of more than 400 steel jobs in the United States, and another 18,000 jobs in major steel-consuming industries. Get all the facts: Call CITAC CITAC'S SOLUTIONS:
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