H.R. 808 Job Calculator
3,500 Jobs Protected (Steel Sector)
- 32,000 Jobs Lost (Steel-Consuming Sectors)

= Net Result of H.R. 808:
9 Jobs Lost for Every One Job Protected


According to a recent study, quotas contained in the "Steel Revitalization Act of 2001" (H.R. 808) or those that could result from the Section 201 investigation would lead to job losses in high-paying manufacturing and other steel-consuming industries. And the cost to American taxpayers of protecting each steel job would reach up to $732,000 a year.


  • Give consumers a voice in the steel policy-formulation process;
  • Allow imports of steel products unavailable from U.S. suppliers;
  • Do not layer steel quotas on top of other types of import restrictions;
  • Do not rush the process with an early imposition of steel quotas.

Get all the facts: Call CITAC

The Consuming Industries Trade Action Coalition
