Consuming Industries Trade Action Coalition (CITAC) - Keeping the Channels of Trade Open CITAC, international trade, imports, exports
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U.S. producers, free trade, consuming industries
Consuming Industries Trade Action Coalition (CITAC) - Keeping the Channels of Trade Open
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CITAC, international trade, imports, exports

Consuming Industries Lobby Days

Lobby Day 2002

  • Section 201 Steel Investigation. Read
  • CITAC Opposes Special Bail-Outs for the Steel Industry that are Paid for by Steel-Consuming Industries. Read
  • Steel Imports The Vital Need for a Sustained Process of Product Exclusions. Read
  • Why the Lumber Trade Dispute Matters to Consuming Industries. Read
  • The Transparency and Fairness Trade Act (H.R. 2770). Read


Lobby Day 2001

Congressman Jim Kolbe
(R-AZ) welcomes CITAC members.

Jon Jenson, CITAC Chairman, briefs CITAC members including a large contingent of steel-users from the Precision Metalforming Association (PMA), on the steel quota bill HR 808.


Ed Tremblay (left) of Norwalk Innovation, Inc. (a member of PMA and CITAC) met with Congressman John Larson (CT-01).

July 17 marked the first Consuming Industries Lobby Day. The Consuming Industries Trade Action Coalition (CITAC) was represented by 50 downstream industry executives - more than half of them from outside the Beltway. In total, the group represented 13 different states.

The day started with a briefing by CITAC Chairman Jon Jenson and welcome remarks from Rep. Jim Kolbe.

The visiting consumers met with either members or their staff in 65 offices - including congressional leaders such as Rep. Hastert, Rep. Armey, Rep. Bonior, Rep. Matsui, Sen. McConnell, Sen. Specter, and Sen. Gramm.

CITAC's message was very well received in these offices, and many members expressed appreciation that consumers had come to share their views on trade issues, including the steel quota bill HR 808.

For more information on Consuming Industries Lobby Day, please read:

  • CITAC's "Why new restraints on steel imports are not the answer";
  • Two lobby day press releases on CITAC's goals for the lobby day and results;

    Members of Congress Support Role for Consumers in Trade Policy.
    July 18, 2001 Read

    Leaders of U.S. Consuming Industries Go to Capitol Hill Stressing Need for Voice in Trade Policy Formulation.
    July 17, 2001 Read

  • Employment data sheet for the 13 states represented, providing steelworking and steel-consuming jobs in each state.

For more information on CITAC's positions on steel trade visit our issues page.

For more information on CITAC's government relations programs, please contact Janet Kopenhaver, CITAC's Executive Director.



U.S. producers, free trade, consuming industries
trade restrictions, dumping, antidumping, anti-dumping
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