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    Steel Users Take Action!


Congress Needs to Hear from Steel Consumers About Ongoing Concerns
with Steel — High Prices, Shortages, and Quality Issues!

With the removal of the global safeguard tariffs in December of 2003, many policymakers assumed that the problems of steel consumers were solved. But the U.S. continues to implement trade policies that restrict access to necessary imported steel, and make it difficult for steel consumers to obtain adequate supplies of globally priced steel.

During the debate on the global safeguard tariffs, many Members of Congress learned first hand about the devastating effects that disruptions in the steel market can cause for steel consumers, and they are willing to help if they can.


Now is the time to let your Members of Congress know that continued restrictions on imported steel are hurting your ability to compete.

Please contact your Members and arrange to meet with them on this issue. Let them know how the current market situation is affecting your business. Tell them that the repeal of the tariffs did not solve all your problems. Give them specifics about your ability to obtain steel in a timely fashion and at competitive prices.

Steel consumers need access to a steady supply of globally priced, quality raw material. The domestic steel industry currently supplies only 75% of the annual steel needed by steel consumers in this country, so a steady supply of imported steel is critical to be able to meet U.S. demand. Urge your Members to support policies that ensure an adequate supply of globally priced steel for the U.S. economy. Among the policies that can help are:

  • Give industrial consumers of a product equal standing with domestic producers and importers in trade cases;

  • Require an analysis of the total impact of any trade policy decision on the overall economy, including any "downstream" impacts;

  • Ensure that products not made in the U.S., or in "short supply", are not subject to trade remedies that restrict imports; and

  • Create a review mechanism to provide timely relief for affected industries when trade remedies produce unintended consequences.

If you need help setting up a meeting with your Members of Congress, or preparing for such a meeting, please contact us. Click here for a sample letter that can be customized to your company’s situation for use in communicating with Members of Congress on this issue.




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